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Audiences at Heart: Our Blank Canvas in Words

Paul Fadden
11 July 2023
Audiences at Heart: Our Blank Canvas in Words

This year for the AMA Conference, Audiences at Heart, our team took a blank canvas...well, nearly a blank canvas. We explain all about our bold move in our blog. Jump in and take the opportunity to help paint the picture of your organisation's story in our collaboration.

A (Nearly) Blank Canvas and An Audience-Centric Mindset

As our quote famously states, Many painters are afraid of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the truly passionate painter who dares-and who has once broken the spell of 'you can't' — Vincent Van Gogh 

It's not unusual to fear a blank canvas. To be uncertain about something which is unknown is not an alien attitude; in fact at Ticketsolve, we believe it to be an entirely human one. And that's what we're all about. Embracing change and supporting our wonderful community members. 

The theme of the AMA this year is all about Audiences at Heart and making audiences the centre of your world. The conference looks at balancing priorities and understanding how to open up more to your audiences, visitors and local communities. So in prepping for the conference, our team took the opportunity to come together and brainstorm how we can push further into this space, try something new, make meaningful connections, and above all else, have a little fun! 

Paint Your Story


After many months of uncertainties and with that feeling of doing more than less constantly creeping in on the sector, we want to encourage attendees of the AMA Conference in Leeds that there's still an opportunity to change an outcome—a little like our canvas! 

What outcome you ask? Well friends, that's entirely up to you. 


What starts today at the AMA as something (nearly) entirely blank will look like something entirely different once our story comes together. The narrative that we as a collective decide that we want to tell. 

The Big Curtain Drop. Get involved in painting the story of your own canvas! 

We're looking to commission a piece of storytelling following the theme of the AMA conference this year. For your chance to work with a local artist and take a heartful piece of the story back to your team, let us know about a chapter you want to share below. 

We want to know what motivates your team each week to go above and beyond and create strong relationships between your organisation and audiences. How do you create this space? How do you foster innovation, drive value and make an impact on the lives of your audiences? We're curious, so let us know more below! 

Paint Your Story



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