
How Is the Permacrisis Still Impacting Arts Orgs in 2024? Add Your Voice!

Written by Gerard Swift | Sep 12, 2024 8:56:35 AM

In 2022, permacrisis was named Word of the Year. Defined as “an extended period of instability and insecurity, especially one resulting from a series of catastrophic events,” it struck a chord with many of us in the arts, who’ve been navigating constant change for years.

Reflecting on Permacrisis in the Arts at RECHARGE 2023

At RECHARGE 2023, this very concept led to a rich discussion in an Arts Professional partner pod hosted by Robin Cantrill-Fenwick of Baker Richards. Joined by Iain Christie from Liverpool's Royal Court, Penny Hansen from The Cresset in Peterborough, and Katie Moffat from Substrakt, they explored the big questions: Are we stuck in a permacrisis? Will things ever get back to 'normal,' or is this the new normal?

The result was not just a fascinating conversation but one of our favorite wordclouds ever 👇 touching on everything from AI’s rise and spreading joy to overthrowing capitalism and posters in chip shops. It perfectly captured the creative energy and resilience of our sector.

The Permacrisis in 2024: Shifting from Survival to Thriving

Fast forward to 2024, and while the world keeps moving fast—whether it's technology, the environment, or the sheer volume of information—we’re shifting our focus at RECHARGE. It’s not just about surviving anymore; it’s about thriving.

At RECHARGE 2024, we’re embracing innovative strategies and new technologies designed to push boundaries, foster resilience, and fuel the shared energy that keeps the arts alive and evolving. The challenges we’ve faced—shrinking budgets, societal uncertainty, and growing demands—have made survival a collective reality, but the question we’re asking now is, what does it mean to move beyond that? How do we, as a sector, take the next step to not only navigate this permacrisis but to thrive in it?

This is where we need your input. We’re calling on you, the heart of the arts and cultural sector, to share your insights: What shifts have you noticed in your approach, or that of others in the arts, since the permacrisis began? Have new methods of thinking, working, and collaborating emerged in your day-to-day? What strategies have allowed you to continue creating, innovating, and inspiring your communities despite the challenges?

We’d love for you to contribute your thoughts to this year’s wordcloud: whether it’s thoughts around funding, audience engagement, or new tech trends, your insights are key.