
What Can We Expect from Technology in 2015?

Written by David Dunstan | Jan 15, 2015 12:00:00 AM


Wearables are still relatively new. And although pick up has been anything but stellar, expect to see more wearables coming out the market, that smaller and pack more punch. These new wearables promise to be more body aware than what we saw in 2014. Are people really going to take to wearables? The jury is still out on this one, but companies are certainly hedging the bets.

Screenless displays

We do more and more with our smart phones everyday, but eventually you are going to hit a wall - and that wall is your screen. Screen size limits what you can do and see on your phone - you would never write a play on a phone. However, how about a limitless display? One company has been researching the idea further for retinal displays for use for gaming and cinema. It might sound a bit science fiction, but imagine never having anyone read over your shoulder again.

Quantified Self

Data, data everywhere. It is true we certainly live in an age of data - just think of geotagging, GPS and social media alone. While the quantified self is not new - the idea of gathering data on themselves everyday - the way which we can do - and how it can be used is. Researchers are now looking at how all of this data might be used predictively, for example in urban planning, personalised medicine or sustainability. For companies, many use in-built technology in their products to track behaviours and use - removing the need for expensive market research.

Computer-Brain Interface

While this one certainly sounds a tad scary, human-computer interface research has been going on for a long time. There has already been successful trials of wheelchair bound people being able to control their wheelchairs with just their mind. Recent research has looked into the idea of a "brain net", where brains can be connected using the internet.

Ultra Security, Ultra Privacy

2014 was certainly the year that brought technology security and privacy into sharp focus. From hacked photos to snooping on phones, people have become even more paranoid about their digital security. Products such as Blackphone and other ultra security tools and technology are going become even more widespeard in 2015.

Smart Locks

You're probably not like me. I spent 20 minutes this morning searching for my house keys. 20. minutes. I do this 2-3 times a week on average. There are a number of companies looking to make this search redundant. Smart locks, like August allow you complete keyless entry without the use of a phone or internet. It also allows you to give access to others and revoke access easily. I need this. My keys incidentally were in my work bag - that I had checked 4 times.

Digital Wallets

We've talked a lot about digital wallets on our blog before, but it bears repeating. The digital wallet industry is evolving and moving fast. Expect to see changes here over the coming few years.

Wireless ear buds

Bluetooth has been around for a while, as have wireless headphones, but the real break though is coming in the form of wireless ear buds. No more ripping out your ear buds when running!

Music Downloads

How we get our music just keeps changing. 45s, LPs, 8-tracks, cassettes, CDs, downloads - that is my music history. And now of course Spotify. Streaming is where it is at now - forget downloads. Expect to see more services and better quality.