
The Top 10 Organisational Tools Every Arts Organisations Needs

Written by Paul Fadden | May 9, 2019 11:00:00 PM

For the entirety of May, we’re focusing on creativity in all its’ guises. We kicked off our month-long creative adventure with a webinar this past Tuesday which focused on how Ticketsolve and data can fuel creativity. Data can help you understand the strengths - and sometimes, more importantly, the weaknesses - of your marketing campaigns, pushing you and your team to creatively change tact to a more successful strategy.

A lot of the post-webinar feedback that we received concentrated on how Ticketsolve features and integrations saved customers a large chunk of time and resources. This really got us thinking about the different tools that we use internally. Just like you, we need to work efficiently, effectively and quickly - and the tools we rely on need to support those goals. So, we’ve gathered together our top ten tools into a new whitepaper so everyone in the arts community can share in our learnings.

The tools highlighted in our new whitepaper are catered for all areas and teams within an arts organisation. From box office to marketing, front of house to management and from HR to finance. We’ve broken down each tool, looking at the strengths and capabilities which we have found useful here at Ticketsolve.

There are so many different tools available, whether you choose a tool from our list or not, you just need to find the right tools that fit the needs of your organisation. The majority of the tools highlighted in this whitepaper are cost-effective or free of charge to use, which for any organisation has to be music to the ears!!

For any tools that incur a monthly or yearly charge, make sure to look out for free trials or special offers, this can reduce your costs further in the first year at least. After or during any trial periods, keep an eye on your spam or your inbox, as providers often offer further price reductions to keep you on board. For example, Xero (one of our recommended tools) currently have a half price offer for your first 5 invoices.

In this whitepaper, we’ve done all the research, trialling and comparing for you. These are the tools we love and are sure to make your daily workload a little lighter. Give them a try and watch productivity increase along with content and happy teams - and let us know how you get on!

Sign up for your free copy now