Prospective customers are often incredulous when I tell them just how much Ticketsolve can deliver to their revenue goals. Admittedly sometimes it seems incredible to me as well. But the numbers don't lie. I analysed four of Ticketsolve's features to see exactly what kind of returns customers were getting. The results speak for themselves I think.
Automatic Donations What is this feature? Automatic or auto donations allow your end user to donate money at the end of their transaction, and is a complete optional extra for the user. The most typical amount (and the amount that tends to generate the most follow through) is between £/€1-2. What do the numbers say?
- London based customers received £98K in voluntary auto donations in last 12 months alone. This means that 40% of their customers are leaving a donation as part of their ticket order.
- One of our Dublin based customers, who since setting up their donations function, has generated over €1000 per month. This is 32% of their customers leaving a donation as part of their order.
- One of our midlands based customers, has seen 28% of their customers include a donation as part of their order.
- A limerick based customer, who uses inside booking charges, has seen 45% of their customers leave a donation included as part of their order. They have also generated €26K in booking charges, and nearly €4K in donations.
While location of your venue/theatre does seem to impact on how much revenue can be generated via donations, it also seems to be a vital revenue generator - and one that all customers can/should tap into.
Mobile Sales
What is this feature?
This is a piece of functionality that allows your customers to access your website, and purchase tickets from their mobile phone or tablet device. This type of "on-the-go" purchasing has gained serious ground over the last number of years.
What do the number say? Over last 12 months:
- London based venue - 10% sales were done via mobile devices or (£240K)
- Venue South Coast England - 7% sales were done via mobile devices or (£83K)
- Dublin based venue - 8% sales were done via mobile devices or (€45K)
- Limerick based - 7% sales were done via mobile devices or (€30K)
While these percentages are no more than 10% of total sales, this is a growing area and one that seems on the up trend.
Product prompts / promotions Dublin based customer generated over €2000 in a single promotion selling pre theatre meal deals for specific shows.
Facebook App Festival in West of Ireland - generated over €11K in revenue through facebook sales Please make contact with me on for more information.