
Live Streaming Shows: Opportunity for New Revenue Stream?

Written by Admin | May 28, 2014 11:00:00 PM

Theatre, circus, comedy, festivals, events, sports, exhibitions, music, cinema - you name it. There is a real rush when the curtain goes up, when I pass the ticket gates, or the first strains of music start.

Maybe it is because I have been on stage (a long, long lifetime ago), but there is something about the act of seeing something live - in the present moment.

So, live streaming left me with a "meh" feeling if I am being honest.

Consider the positives for a moment.

1. Streamed theatre and events have the benefit of reaching a global audience. It has the added benefit of allowing for subtitles if your show takes off in say, Japan.

2. Streaming means you can offer another level of ticket prices, giving greater access to people who may not otherwise attend your shows.

3. It is a great way to archive shows.

4. There are a lot of avenues for audience engagement, increasing social media reach and building a new loyal audience.

Live streaming or digitally accessed shows can be an additional, valuable revenue stream. Some argue that digital shows, encourage people to attend live shows. For example, schoolchildren who may not otherwise get to live theatre, can get a taste of live theatre through digital media.

But (there is always a 'but'), the risks:

1. Digital shows will kill live shows. As patrons start watching streamed events, live audiences dwindle. This might become especially true with regional shows.

2. Funding gets funnelled to digital media, from live productions.

3. Watching live streamed theatre may not actually encourage patrons to attend live events. They may end up opting for streamed shows rather than live.

Will digital media kill live shows? I don't think we can really know. Seeing a live show is an entirely different experience to digital.

While I think we should certainly be careful about streaming's impact (especially on regional venues), I think being afraid of streaming is not practical either. All audiences are different, and tastes and desires change.

Ultimately, technology is a tool - a powerful tool - that we can use in arts, culture and sports - as we need.

Have I seen a live streamed show? No. Would I go and see one? Probably. But I will continue to go and see live theatre and live shows as much as I can.

What about you? Do you live stream shows? Have you used Ticketsolve to sell live streamed show tickets?