
Creu Cymru 2021 Annual Conference Sponsored by Ticketsolve

Written by Nick Stevenson | Mar 22, 2021 12:00:00 AM

*For more information, visit News on the website of Creu Cymru*

The past year has been challenging for the whole nation and one of the most challenging the arts have ever been through. This year’s conference will be about renewal and healing. We would like the conference to be a positive event and focus on recovery and reinvention moving on from this crisis. How can the arts play a part in the national recovery? How do we rebuilt a sector to be more inclusive? What does the future look like?

The conference will take place on Wednesday 24th March between 10am-1pm and in recognition of the extraordinary year we have all been through, we won’t be charging for attendance.

The whole event will be recorded and available after the event*, along with on-demand sessions, ready to watch in your own time.

As the conference is online, we are able to open booking to both Creu Cymru members and non-members. We would encourage attendance by all levels of staff and roles.

Confirmed speakers – Alan Lane (Slung Low), Bryan Joseph Lee (Public Theater NYC), Daniel Evans (Chichester Festival Theatre), Kate Fox (MIF), Lianne Weaver (Beam Training), Lisbeth McLean (Menter Iaith Merthyr Tudful), Sita Thomas (Common Wealth Theatre) and Steffan Donnelly (Actor / Writer / Wales Freelancers Taskforce).

10am Intros and Creu Cymru Update
10.30am Keynote Speaker with Q&A - Daniel Evans, Artistic Director, Chichester Festival Theatre
11.15am Networking Break. This is time to grab a coffee and meet us in one of the themed Zoom rooms for a catch up
11.45am Panel Session with Q&A - The Comeback – how do we come back stronger for our audiences, communities, artists, building and staff’. Panel will include Alan Lane (Slung Low), Kate Fox (MIF), Lisbeth McLean (Menter Iaith Merthyr Tudful), Sita Thomas (Common Wealth Theatre) and Steffan Donnelly (Actor / Writer / Wales Freelancers Taskforce). Chaired by Alun Saunders (Playwright, Actor and Drag Performer)
12.45pm Wrap up
1pm End

On Demand Sessions

Back 2 Culture: Building Relevance & Resilience in the Arts
By Bryan Joseph Lee – Founder, Back 2 Culture

The year 2020 was a threshold for change around the world. In the wake of disruption, how can we rebuild and reimagine an arts sector that is more equitable, more just, and more responsive to the needs of our communities? Join creative producer and arts marketer Bryan Joseph Lee (Founder, Back 2 Culture) as he shares what it takes to build arts organizations that are relevant, resilient, and ready for change. This keynote will offer practical frameworks you can use to ask big questions, connect the dots, and center the voices of your community.

This keynote will offer practical frameworks you can use to ask big questions, connect the dots, and centre the voices of your community.

5 Tips to Boost Your Resilience
Lianne Weaver, Beam Training

A short workshop introducing learners to what resilience is, how to build up resources and how their resilience may have been impact by the pandemic.
The workshop then looks at 5 practical ways in which resilience can be improved.

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