
Creative Closure for Arts & Culture During Covid-19

Written by Admin | May 5, 2020 11:00:00 PM

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused upheaval in all areas of society. The arts and cultural sector has been particularly hard-hit, impacting both artists and the organisations that work with them. Venue closures and event cancellations have also been difficult on patrons. Many people see the arts as a lifeline and a way to connect to their community; the closures have had consequences on them as well.

But closures don't have to mean an end to creativity and engagement. Many arts organisations are doing what they can to support artists and their audiences during this very difficult and unprecedented time. We’d like to share those ideas and stories here.

We understand that many organisations - for many varied reasons - cannot replicate some of the initiatives presented here - that is of course perfectly okay. Our hope is that by sharing some of these stories you are inspired by the amazing arts community we have here and be hopeful about the future.

The organisations that we spoke with have tackled the challenges of Covid-19 closures in a variety of ways. Predominantly, organisations have moved as much content online as possible and have tried to directly support artists where they can.

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