As we always harp on about data, data, data within the arts we thought to ourselves, is there a way we can try and get a bit more information from customers? Bingo- Let’s create a feature called event extras. As you can probably imagine, this feature does exactly what it says - it collects extra information. Collecting this information is powerful, and allows us to further develop and build meaningful relationships with customers.
'Extras' allows you to ask specific questions during the booking journey depending on what ticket price they add to their cart. These questions are then added as an extra step in the booking process online and at the box office. The answers to these extras can consist of a drop-down menu or an arbitrary field.
Why should you consider collecting extra information? As we have highlighted above, data is vital to all arts organisations. We need to know and also understand our customers' needs. We do the same at Ticketsolve - we listened. Lots of our customers wanted to ask their ticket buyers questions depending on what ticket they purchased. There are a lot of reasons for utilizing the extras feature; capturing attendees name or even workshop questions. If you are running a workshop for learning trapeze, for example, you may want to ask customers a few questions before they attend so that your teachers can prepare in advance. The types of questions you can ask are;
Have you done trapeze before?
Do you have any health issues?
Are you afraid of heights?
Ok, the last one is a bit of a joke, but you can see how powerful these events extras can be. Another example could be a dining deal as part of the ticket. In this use case, you could have a set menu available and when the customer purchases, something like below:
There are loads more instances in which you will be able to use the event extras features. You’ve probably thought of one that we haven’t already. If you would like to know more about how this feature works, or if you want to chat with us about anything else, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you do have any other cool ideas as to how you could use event extras, let us know and we can share with the community!